Enemy Spotted! is a 2-player co-op game where you race against time to find and destroy the enemy bunker before they destroy yours. Made in 48 hours for the BYOG 2021 Jam. Check the video to the right for a quick How to Play.

  • One player (the host who creates the game) controls the Artillery gun. They have a rough map of the area which does not have the enemy bunker marked on it.
  • The other player (who joins) is the spotter. The spotter must find and describe the enemy bunker position verbally to the artillery gunner.
  • The two players must figure out the correct location of the enemy and destroy them. Use the natural features around the bunker to help the Gunner figure out where it is on the map.
  • The game is intended to be played in a manner similar to Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes - the two players must not see each others' screens.

How to create and join a game

  • The player who wishes to be the Gunner must click on Easy or Hard game options on the menu.
  • Easy game has a smaller map than Hard game but both have the same time limit - 90 seconds.
  • Once the game is created they will be given a unique alphabetical code that they need to give to their friend. (like the web version of Codenames, or the Jackbox games).
  • Player 2, the Spotter, will type/paste this code in the input field on the menu and click Join.
  • Once both players join the game begins.


  • The Gunner can aim the artillery by clicking and holding on the vertical and horizontal levers at the bottom right of their screen.
  • To fire a shell click on the square fire button with a crosshair on it.
  • The Spotter can move about using WASD/Arrow keys for movement and space for jump.


I utilized two out of three themes for the jam - Two Views and Minimal Interaction.
Two Views
The game can only be played by utilizing two different views of the game world. The Gunner sees the larger geographical layout but cannot see where the bunker is. The Spotter is a single human figure who can move about on the field but can't see it from a distance - and therefore only sees the details.
Minimal Interaction
There is minimal interaction of the players with the game. The bulk of the interaction is instead directly between them outside of the game (via chat, voice call, etc). The Gunner can only aim and fire where as the Spotter can only move about.


Ujwal Kumar - code and game design
Art and SFX from public domain assets and stuff I have purchased earlier.
Fonts under OFL

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